Monday, August 11, 2008

'Medaling' With Free Speech at the Olympics

by Walter Brasch via The Moderate Voice

President Bush sounded just like a liberal.

Yes, you heard that right. Bush. Liberal. Same sentence.

At the new U.S. embassy in Beijing on the opening day of the Olympics, he said, "All people should have the freedom to say what they think." Without even blinking, he also told the world, while directing his comments at the Chinese, "We strongly believe societies which allow the freedom of expression of ideas tend to be the most prosperous and the most peaceful."

The day before, in Tibet, he boldly said, "America stands in firm opposition to China's detention of political dissidents and human right's advocates and religious activists." He said he was speaking out "for a free press, freedom of assembly, and labor rights, not to antagonize China's leaders but because trusting its people with greater freedom is the only way for China to develop its full potential." Read on at The Moderate Voice.

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