Friday, August 1, 2008

This is How F--ked We Are

A picture is worth $200 billion dollars. That is how much that was borrowed by banks to cover demand deposits because their assets have less value than their liabilities.

read more | digg story

A Reasonable Case Against Drilling in ANWR

Reasonable people react reasonably when given credible reasons. Unfortunately, when dealing with ANWR and offshore drilling, the only part of that statement that hold true is the first. Yes, the vast majority of the public is reasonable. Many are misinformed on the facts, so you cant blame them for reacting in a way that seems stubborn and/or wrong.

When it comes to any issue such as health care, social security, foreign relations, etc., the politician is just a pawn. Politicians don’t make decisions on issues anymore. Their job is to get as many of their constituents to support him or her. The actual idea comes from the lobbyists. Lobbyists get a politician to agree with them by showing a pol how a side to a particular issue will garner more votes. Once the lobbyist does that, then the game has been won, almost. The oil industry lobbyists are no different. They want to sell you on the "facts" minus the facts that hurt their cause.

There is a plethora of “facts” at arms reach to the average American citizen. But, the average citizen doesn’t have time to sit down and research which “facts” are real facts and which ones have been molested and spun to fit an agenda. 

Here are the facts:

  • 25 years ago, 60% of oil used domestically was produced domestically, now it is a little higher than 25%. Our economy cannot survive on this trajectory simply because we don’t have control of the one thing that feeds our economy. If we cannot control our economy, we lose our country.
  • If ANWR is tapped, it will take approximately 15 years for the oil well to reach its peak production. The price of oil will only progressively drop so to compensate for the increased supply. Our risk/return on this issue is not within our favor. 
  • Because of oil prices today and global warming concerns, our oil driven economy has already begun to shift toward alternative fuels. 15 years from now, there will not be as much of a demand for oil.
  • America’s economic stability is our physical stability. If not for industry, America would collapse.
  • The price of a barrel of oil rests heavily on political concerns within the Middle East. Our military would not be there today if we did not have an economic reason to be there. Terrorists did not attack us because they hate freedom, they attacked us because we have troops on their soil and we support Israel. The longer we stay in the middle east, the more political upheaval within the Middle East will force oil prices higher which makes us even more concerned about the region. It’s a catch-22.
  • There is not enough oil underneath the United States to allow us to even be close to energy Independent. 

The issue of whether or not we open up drilling in ANWR and offshore isn’t about the price of oil; it is about our survival as a country. By opening up these areas, we allow our economy to continue to be driven by a commodity that cannot domestically sustain us. So why not face the facts and allow our economy the push it needs to becomes dependant on renewable, domestic energy. It will allow us to have control over our industry, and it will cut off our reasons for our presence in the Middle East, thereby saving the lives of future generations of our soldiers. And we will again have full control over our liberty and freedom.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

When Does It End?

The lying has got to stop. Where can I find a television channel with truly no spin when it comes to guests? Why do the networks keep putting these pundits in front of me to play stupid or blatantly lie to my face?

Barack Obama screwed up. He said the republicans were trying to scare Americans away from his candidacy because he “doesn’t look like those presidents” on the currency. That is true. The McCain campaign were “outraged” that Obama would play the “race card.” Then the Obama campaign denied the original message of that comment was because Obama is an African-American.

Where do I start, the fact that John McCain was outraged? Ha! He’s not outraged, its just another attempt at the joyless and imagination-less McCain campaign cannot possible come up with any other response because they WERE TRYING TO SCARE PEOPLE into voting for him.

And then, Obama’s campaign tried to say they weren’t insinuating the obvious. Hopefully, whoever made the denial did it with a slight smirk when telling us that.

Now, as I listen to all of the weekday night cable news shows, I’m faced with pundits from each side of the political spectrum trying to convince me they’re right. And the host’s are barely doing a thing to call the idiot’s out on it.

Why not stop booking these paid campaign consultants? They just end up looking like fools anyway? Why not book a few college students to come on? Ones that aren’t carrying the recent talking points from the respective campaigns. Just political science majors that can discuss how the rest of society may be interpreting what is going on rather than adding to the hills and hills of moist bullshit.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Commander-in-Chief Test


"W." New Oliver Stone Movie Trailer

Here is the trailer to the new Oliver Stone movie, a bio of our Partyboy-in-Chief, George W. Bush. I'm going to wait until the reviews come out to decide if I'll go see it. I am no fan of our president, but if this is purely a hit piece, I'll pass.


Sunday, July 27, 2008

This Week with George Stephanopoulos

John McCain was Gorgeous Georgie’s guest on This Week. Once again John McCain sidestepped many inquiries by repeating his stance on a controversial issue without an explanation as to why. George asked him for his opinion on gay adoption. Senator McCain only expressed his interest in supporting the ubiquitous family values line. When asked about his positions regarding Russia, the Senator said he would throw them out of the G8. Didn’t say how, just that he would. When reminded of the fact that every other country in the G8 opposes the exclusion of Russia, Senator McCain said he would convince the other nations to do it. It seems that “Pretty Please” has become his foreign relations mega-weapon.

It is interesting to note, John McCain, when asked about Russia, incorrectly named Prime Minister Putin as the current President of Russia. Screw President Medvedev. He doesn't count. After checking out his soft, Pantene hair, Stephanopoulos quickly corrected McCain. When will the MSM start examining Sen. McCain’s increasing forgetfulness?

Flip flopping is an art. When asked about affirmative action, McCain stated his opposition to any bill that supports affirmative action within our fine Republic.  I guess Arizona isn’t part of the Republic. Because, in 1998, he opposed any ban to affirmative action. The desert heat must be getting to the Senator from Arizona. 

The Sunday Sandbox